Cara Louise Williams
4 min readJun 19, 2021


The Truth about Pilates

I’ve never been a fan of exercise. I used to get out of PE lessons at school by offering to clean the PE cupboard (it worked!); I used to feign injury to get out of Cross Country (which also worked — most of the time). Even today, the thought of running, cycling or any type of cardio makes me break into a cold sweat.

Essentially, I’m lazy and never thought I’d never find an exercise method I enjoyed. Then I discovered Pilates.

What’s all the fuss about?

Along everyone else, I had no idea what Pilates was before I started. On walking into the Pilates Body Shape studio in 2012, I was intimidated by the lean, bendy women in the class, who seemed to be doing impossible things with their bodies. I wanted to run away, but I stayed and I’m so glad I did, as I took to it straight away. And I’ve been doing it 3–4 times a week ever since.

Pilates is without doubt, the best thing I have ever done for my health.

Okay, but what exactly is Pilates?

Contrary to popular belief, Pilates is not the same as Yoga. Yes, they’re both low-intensity, low impact and (to confuse things further) some of the exercises are very similar, but generally speaking, yoga is much more about flexibility and stability, while Pilates focuses on strength and stability.

Their roots are also very different. Yoga has been around for 5,000 years. Originally practised by holy ascetics in India, its aim is to focus the mind, connect with a higher consciousness and gain balance and control over your life.

Pilates was devised by German anatomist, gymnast and boxer, Joseph Pilates in the 1920’s, to rehabilitate injured soldiers. The aim is to strengthen the body in an even way, with particular emphasis on core strength to improve general fitness and wellbeing.

What’s so great about Pilates?

Having tried both, I am firmly in the Pilates camp.

Joseph Pilates once famously said, ‘In 10 sessions you’ll feel the difference, in 20 sessions you’ll see the difference, and in 30 sessions you’ll have a whole new body”.

This is exactly what happened for me (give or take a few classes). Particularly when I took up Reformer Pilates, I became noticeably stronger, fitter and more flexible (I used to have the tightest hamstrings of anyone I know). My body shape also changed. I became leaner, more toned and more confident as time went on.

There are many reasons I love Pilates. Here are just a few:

You see and feel results quickly: I improved quickly and saw particular improvements in my strength and flexibility when I took up Reformer Pilates
It continues to challenge me: There are progressions for each exercise (there are over 500 reformer exercises), so no two classes are the same, and there is always a harder version of each exercise to nail
It’s a workout for the body and mind: You have to concentrate during Pilates, as there’s a lot to think about. You have to focus on your breathing, core engagement, technique, alignment and the muscles you’re working during each exercise. If you don’t, you won’t feel the benefits. You cannot do Pilates passively.
It’s great for injury rehabilitation: I injured my lower back quite badly in 2017. I couldn’t walk for a while and had months of physio and osteopathy. I went back to Pilates as soon as I was able/allowed and it sped up my recovery. I was amazed how much progress I made in a short amount of time once back in the studio (under the watchful eye of my teacher who had to tell me off for pushing myself too hard many times)
It’s setting me up for good health in old age: Joseph Pilates practiced his method into his eighties. And, although not quite there, at the ripe age of 41, I want to do everything I can to keep my body strong and supple into old age.

As we get older, we lose some of our balance and coordination. Due to the focus on control, stability, balance and posture, Pilates can improve functional movement, thus reducing falls. Improving your posture can also delay or prevent the onset of some debilitating conditions such as osteoporosis.

The birth of Pukka Pilates

My passion for Pilates led me to do a business course during lockdown one and set up a business: The aim is to inspire people to give Pilates a go (particularly if you don’t enjoy any other type of exercise) and reap the many benefits I have got from it.

The site includes everything you’ll need for your Pilates journey — there are links to Pilates equipment, clothing, retreats, and there are tutorials for every Pilates exercise, and some free taster classes, so you can see if Pilates is for you.

I also include exercise tips, hacks and demos on the Pukka Pilates Facebook page:

If you’re wondering what to expect from a Pilates class, are wondering what a Reformer is, or have any other Pilates related questions, feel free to contact me via the Pukka Pilates site or Facebook page.

I guarantee, if you stick at it, Pilates will change your life.

